San Francisco issue ban on Cruise Robotaxis in Safety Concern

The California Department of Motor Vehicles has issued a ban on Cruise robotaxis operating in San Francisco without human drivers. The immediate ban does not apply to self driving prototypes with a monitor behind the wheel.

The recent ban comes less than a month after an incident where a pedestrian in San Francisco was hit by a Cruise robotaxi. This accident resulted in the woman being pinned underneath until help arrived. The driver who hit her initially fled the scene, and the pedestrian suffered severe injuries and was transported to the hospital for treatment.

The ban on Cruise robotaxis in San Francisco is not solely based on the previously mentioned incident. These vehicles have caused various problems, such as blocking traffic, driving into wet cement, causing harm to animals, hindering emergency vehicles, and overall being a nuisance to the community. Some San Francisco residents even resort to using traffic cones to stop Cruise robotaxis. However, Cruise ensures that they are working towards improving their operations.

On a lighter note, Cruise robotaxis have attracted adventurous couple who enjoy intimate encounters in the back seat. We attempted to find someone who would admit to engaging in such activities, but to no avail. It seems that people prefer a Cruise for those amorous moments.

Auto News


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